Главная Творчество Точки, многоточия Your Time Has Come (Heaven Project)

Your Time Has Come (скачать) скачано: 1988 раз

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Музыка: Лиза Лукашина. Слова: Лиза Лукашина


Текст песни


I wanna tell you babe
It’s time to think
Not to waste your time
Not to drink.
It’s decision of your own.
Because you still bleed
From what you’ve done.

I wanna tell you babe
Your time has come
Just to be the one
Just to be the one.
It’s decision of your own.
Because you still bleed
From what you’ve done.

Wanna love?
Just love.
Wanna breathe?
Just breathe.
Shine like the sun.
Shine like the sun!

I wanna tell you babe
Your time has come
Just to be the one
Just to be the one.
It’s decision of your own.
Because you still bleed
From what you’ve done.